Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Lowbrow Poster

Really like this poster, its outsider out. Its in your face and the simple nature of the message is still there but you get the pinch of salt " College saps the creativity out of you" !!!!

Modern Victorian poster

All Fonts used are the copyright of there perspective owners. 

I wanted to create an modern Victorian poster to again, get people engaged with the poster and message. 

Design copyright to William Eastwood

Graphic Design Poster

This would be the poster design that i would most likely use, and one that the client would actually want to use. 

Alt Posters

Pushing the boat out here !

SERC doesn't own or WANT this design !


Alternative poster designs

Some Alt Designs for poster being uploaded soon. They also have themes and ideas that I will be bringing to the ultimate level of design :)

Monday, 3 November 2014

Educational Posters

HND project

So the brief for the project is to create new and interesting ways to present tips on learning to students in college.  So With this in mind I created some rather vulgar posters to try and grab peoples attention. I used curse words and then removed letters and replaced with glyphs that look similar.

Click to enlarge !!
So that was the basic idea, and yes French connection did it before me :P
I used a mixture of Helvetica and verdana within the posters and I ensure that the text lines ups within each poster creating a natural symmetry for your eye to follow.
So I hope you enjoy
All work is Copyright to William Eastwood 

SUS Culture Night Poster

Nice clean and effective poster